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Starlight – Soul plan readings of new age children

This is a recent case of one of my students, Sandhya (name changed) who delivered twins. She delivered a baby boy and girl a few months back. They are born premature, and yes it took them a good 3 months to become normal and healthy.

Sandhya had difficulty in conceiving for quite a while. She was under treatment from the best gynac in town, a pioneer in test tube babies. She did conceive after the treatment, but unfortunately miscarried. This happened twice. She turned to me for guidance. I asked her if she would like to come for my past life regression workshop. She did the course, and at the end if it she came up to me and said that she had got her breakthrough. She understood her block in creation. That for me was a truly magical and fulfilling moment.

I heard from her 6-7months later that she was pregnant! I was ecstatic. Yes, she was still under the gynaec’s treatment. But this time, she had not miscarried. We did some healing during her pregnancy, over the phone.

Now, for the main part. Let’s come to the babies, Umang and Utsavi (name changed). These babies are super geniuses. I do not have words to describe their potential. Again, enlightened souls, no challenges. In this case, the soul challenges of the parents will be dissolved in 3 years! That too just by their presence in the family. Something more amazing, these babies communicated telepathically to me that they choose to start talking between the age of two and three. I conveyed the message to the parents. Then something magical happened. As I was conveying the message to Sandhya, I was intuitively guided to connect her to both her children telepathically. We did a short visualisation over the phone connecting her to Umang and Utsavi, so that she can communicate with them through thoughts. At that time, she was a little concerned about Utsavi’s health, and her feed intake. I guided her to ask Utsavi telepathically if she was alright. She received a message in the form of a vision. She saw a conch shell, from which water was dripping slowly onto a beautiful plant. The child was saying that there is steady growth and nothing to worry. We were both happy, amazed and filled with awe. I am still trying to process in my heart, the soul plan that these children have come with. I feel so honoured that these beautiful evolved souls have chosen me to be their spokesperson.

Thank you God for these priceless soul experiences. I feel truly humbled, blessed and honoured.


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