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The Bach Flower Energy Oracle Cards

Namaste dear Soul.

Hello and a very warm welcome to this sacred and magical space of The Bach Flower Energy Oracle. 


Some background.

Most of us are familiar with Bach Flower Remedies. These were developed by Dr. Edward Bach, a medical doctor and homeopath from England, in the early 1900s. There are 38 remedies made from watered down extracts of wild plants. These remedies help with emotional health and well-being. 


My journey with Bach Flower Remedies began in early 2011. I was introduced to them by a dear friend, while I was struggling to cope with the sudden and unexpected passing of my brother. I was asked to take Rescue Remedy for a few days. I felt so light and relieved, and started accepting the loss. Then she recommended a mix of Walnut, Cerato and Clematis. These remedies work at a subtle level and gently heal the emotional body. 


I was intrigued and very interested in learning more about them. So read some books, attended some courses on the same. However, I wasn’t satisfied. My intuition asked me to do Bach immersion, which is to take one remedy at a time, for a few days and observe how it helps. And that’s what I did! It was a wonderful journey of exploring and experiencing. 

In this process, I understood what Soul Qualities each remedy helps with. In addition, there’s also an affirmation to go with each one of them. 


I was then guided by my Higher Self to create The Bach Flower Energy Oracle Cards. I have used photos of the actual flowers which I found on Google and Pinterest and made them into digital cards. 


How to use them?

You may use them as your Focus for the day or as an Oracle for guidance. 


Just take a few deep breaths and ask inwardly for the focus of the day. What do I need to focus on today? Then tap on the deck and it will bring up the card which is for YOU.


While using them as an Oracle for guidance, you need to ask a specific question before tapping on the deck. 

Breathe and think of the situation you need guidance with. Tap the deck and receive your guidance. 


You may then choose to use the affirmation on the card for the day, and also focus on the Soul qualities of the flower. As you observe the card, breathe in the energy of the flower from the image and mentally say the affirmation. There may be more than one Soul Quality on the card, see which of them calls out to you in the moment. 




My intention for this deck is that it helps heal deeply and profoundly everyone who works with it. And so it is. 



Thank you.

Lots of love,


The Bach Flower Energy Oracle Cards

By Priti Mistry

(Read the instructions before tapping the card.)

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