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Anuradha, Mumbai
Anuradha, Mumbai

The first time I heard about Prity Mistry was from my sister. She casually asked me if I wanted to accompany her to a Past Life Regression session. I agreed without much thought and yes, without much expectation.

We went for the session and surprisingly for me, it went very well. I learned a lot about myself. People around me would always tell me I am too laid back, not aggressive enough. Not pushy enough at office. Friends have chided me for the fact that I don't push myself for promotions, even though I more than deserve them after so many years of service. But frankly I never needed these promotions. I never needed to prove myself to anybody. I was happy with what I did and office was never a priority for me.

Yes, I needed the salary and yes I applied myself fully to my work. That was the extent of it.

After 3 sessions with Ms. Mistry, I realised my nature and my love for sewing had roots over several lifetimes. I started up with sewing again and I am so, so happy now. On the personal front, I realized that many people in my life were present with me in my past lives. Most importantly my sister. The bond with her is stronger after going through these sessions.

There was one question for which I needed an answer but unfortunately, these sessions didn't provide me with the answer for the same. But there was a deep rooted certainty that Ms. Mistry was going to be the pathway for the answer. How did I know it. I don't know. Intuition? ?

My next interaction with Ms. Prity Mistry, was when she announced Crystalline Vaastu or Crystal solutions for space clearing. I asked her for help. I was having a tough time at office for about a year and a half and my department was being headed by a boss who was brash and high handed in his behavior and he had a very bad manner of speaking and his attitude was …... it's unmentionable. I literally would start the day and end the day in tears. I put in requests for departmental transfers, I put in requests for transfers to other branches, but even that was not happening. Life was pure misery.

At her suggestion, I used 3 stones in the manner prescribed by her and within a week I got results. It was a shock, a pleasant one, but a huge shock. I was transferred to another department, without any notice.

The relief I experienced was mind blowing.

Next, I went in for a healing session using crystals. This session with Ms. Mistry, helped me understand the power crystals have and how to use them for healing. Unfortunately, for me, I guess, I did not pursue this avenue I should have. But the one thing that happened in this session, was my mind opened up to possibilities.

The last and most important interaction with Ms. Mistry, was when I got the answer which I was searching for 14 years. Why did my father die such a painful, long drawn death. Was the suffering that he experienced, really necessary. Why? He was a man of principles and as far as I know he went the extra mile to help people in need. Why did he have to suffer like that and die ALONE in ICU.

I will leave it to Ms. Mistry to continue with the experience that I had and how she helped me and enabled me to let go of my pain.

I believe, that some people are born to guide us and help us on the highway of life. Priti is one of God's chosen. Thank you

Priti. Please continue with the work that you do. God Bless.

Namrata Dakshindas, CA, Pune
Namrata Dakshindas, CA, Pune

I could write so much about you and yet was wanting to get the right words for you.

I don't know if I just want to pen down my thoughts on the experience I had on working with you, as that would be too little to speak of a person like you.

For me, you are my guardian angel, and no matter how far we stay, you would be around guarding me, protecting me and wishing happiness for me in your thoughts.

You have been there for me, when I have been flustered and not knowing how to be positive, when I am so nervous and also been there for me when I needed just someone to talk to . Some people's aura just creates ripples of happiness and calmness when they're around you, and my experience has always been that around you.

I just had to share my experience of knowing you and now on the call that we had on the Soul growth program:

"My experience was beautiful. I loved the fact that you listed down certain qualities that I was born with and what still exists as of today. This experience was quite enlighting because we don't even pay attention to these attributes that we are made of and which makes us 'as a person' so unique. Another heartfelt moment was when you helped me move on and to let go of the guilt and regret that I carried in my heart for not being able to meet my Dad when he left me forever... You understood this and you helped me in letting go of the guilt, because like you said... When the soul decides that it wants to go, circumstances around it help the soul to leave the body and go to heaven. This has definitely helped me to understand a soul's purpose and to not stop him from moving on... moving ahead in his next journey.

You also guided me with the Bach flower remedy and crystals plus gem stone that would help me to grow spiritually and that has helped me so much"

So Priti, thank you so much for being my guardian angel and for being there always. You always make me smile and every time I hear the song "Cham Cham... main nachoo ab cham cham", it reminds me of your beautiful morning and the memories it got back for you.

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