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I am a soulful storyteller, I am

Namaste Soul friends,

I would like to share an interesting experience. I have this  block when I have to write about myself or my life experiences. I am comfortable  talking about them, but writing …I become blank, confused and clueless. I somehow feel that why bother others with my saga, or why would anyone be interested in my story.

I took an online course of storytelling by Carrie Severson. She was kind enough to offer a 30 minute one to one session to help me overcome my writing block.

In the course of our conversation, Carrie mentioned that maybe it’s a past life block. (As a Soul Growth Expert, healing Past lives and clearing Akashic Records fall in my zone of expertise.) Something clicked  within and it was an Aha moment for me.

I woke up early today, and while lying in bed, I first did my lotus of gratitude. That is, I think of 10 things I am grateful for before I step out of bed. As I finished the lotus of gratitude, I was intuitively guided to release and heal the writing block from past life. Did I see a past life? No. I went straight into my Akashic Records or Soul records, and with the help of Ascended Masters and Archangels, simply cleared my karmas related to sharing my life experiences through writings. It took a while, as I could sense and see a lot of guck being cleared and released.

Finally, when everything was clear, I wrote this affirmation in my Akashas. ” I am a soulful storyteller. I heal, inspire and bring joy to others by writing my story from my heart and soul. And so it is.”

I don’t have enough words to express my gratitude to Carrie. I wished her happiness from my heart and soul. When I shared this post on her Facebook group, she was overjoyed.

This is what she had to say, “Priti!!! This made my year. My favorite thing to happen all week is this right here! I’m so grateful to you, for you and allowing me the space and gracious to show up and support you.

” I am a soulful storyteller. I heal, inspire and bring joy to others by writing my story from my heart and soul. And so it is.” And so it is!

My wish for you is that may you heal and release all blocks that stop you from living your true potential. And so it is. ”

How wonderful!


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